Not to put a damper on this fabulous spring weather, but how about putting some of our rain to work for you?
Water from our roof fills four five 60-gallon barrels. Awhile back we pooled an order with neighbors and had them delivered directly. I think we've got enough for our own use, but I'd like to help anyone else interested in coordinating another order.
I've had a couple good experiences working with Dan Borba, who sells barrels with all the fittings. He helped me make sure the overflow is properly diverted away from the foundation of the house. Dan's website is here, with a product list and prices.
At first I wondered whether our climate would leave me with full, unused barrels during wet winters and empty, unused barrels during dry summers. But it hasn't been so: I use them regularly, especially in the shoulder seasons.
If you're interested, please let me know. I can show you how we've set up ours, and maybe I can help you install yours. There are lots of benefits to these barrels, so I'd enjoy talking about them with you if you have any questions: 329-5912.
some rainwater harvesting benefits:
- It's free water.
- It improves our overall effect on salmon habitat.
- It's a backup source for the dry season or between rain showers.
- It reduces the volume of water flowing to the sewage treatment plant.
- During big rainstorms, it could help reduce combined sewer overflows into our surface waters.
- It's untreated and great for delicate houseplants, general cleaning, and yardwork.
- It's a pleasing, visible reminder about water conservation.
- Barrels are covered and shouldn't breed mosquitos.
- It's fun to harvest water and live a little more "off the grid".