CCCC pancake breakfast
Our first annual community breakfast is April 19th, 2008, at 10am at New Freeway Hall and we need your help to get the remaining work done.

Please take a minute to look over the items that follow and email me or call me at 255-6608 with what you can contribute. I sincerely appreciate any help you can pitch in for this important event.

John Hoole, moc.liamg|eloohj#moc.liamg|eloohj


You can edit the chart below to add yourself in.

job/need volunteer
30 chairs from 9am-1pm please volunteer!
large griddle from 9am-1pm please volunteer!
greeter Laura Grow
greeter please volunteer!
work the event Paula Lukaszek
cook Chris Osburn
cook Doug Cargill
cook's assistant Scott Barkan
set up Iris Antman
set up Mike Denton
clean up Heather Henricks
clean up Jeremy Valenta
flyer poster: to place our flyer with
businesses, community bulletin boards, light poles
Jeff Hughes, Rukh Stensaas
flyer poster: (200 flyers to neighbors' doors, around Whitworth) Scott Ringgold

  • Money - John Hoole put up $500 toward the refundable grant money. Members have contributed $330 toward the food budget (thank you!). We have $458 left. We'll need $200 to pay the musicians, $400 for the food, and $50 for misc, which means we need to raise a minimum of $200 more to make the event happen. Please contact John Hoole to arrange to contribute to the event.

Thanks — John Hoole

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