Wikli 2010, 09/08
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Neighbor News

08 Sep 2010 13:09

Welcome to Week 113

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Columbia Citizens' WikLi

Arts Abound


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The arts abound in Columbia City, this week and every week — but especially this week. There's a textured, sweeping mosaic of performance and visual arts for your enjoyment, plus some invitations to make your own.


Live locally.

This week the Landmark District Review Committee takes a look at a proposed demolition to make way for a (downsized) apartment building on the St Gobain site — Friday.

You can post a calendar event — here's how.

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Arts Gumbo - Spirit of Mexico

Experience the sights, sounds and flavors of Mexico on Saturday, September 18 at the Rainier Valley Cultural Center as traditional dance group Joyas Mestizas presents indigenous and courtly dances of Mexico.

gro.elttaesdees|egdirmulpj#egdirmulP irreJ

Joyas Mestizas dancer.jpg

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Columbia City BeatWalk

This last BeatWalk of 2010 is gonna be a doozy. We have some great bands lined up to end the season. We've got the Wiretappers, the Downtown Mountain Boys, Maya Soleil, AMA trio and Guardian Alien all set to perform.

Check out more info here.

Be there September 10th from 7 to 10 pm. Adults are $7 and, as always, kids are free. You can buy your tickets in front the Columbia City Gallery.

See you there!



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Columbia City Community Chorus

CCCC Fall Session begins Sept 14. Looking for a place to connect with your neighbors, have fun, make a joyful noise, and make a difference? Come sing with us!

Directed by Kathleen Tracy, the CCCC welcomes people of all ages and cultures to come together in a fun, inclusive and spirited singing community. There is no audition, and no singing experience is required, just a desire to sing in harmony with others. We are not affiliated with any particular religion or spiritual path. At the end of our fall session we will perform a concert to benefit the Refugee Women's Alliance Domestic Violence program.

The Chorus rehearses on Tuesdays 7:30-9pm at the Columbia City Church of Hope (formerly Bethlehem Lutheran Church), 3818 S Angeline St.

Kathleen TracyKathleen Tracy


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Columbia City Farmers Market

This week at the Market:

  • Kids Tent: Explorations in Math
  • Music: PK Dwyer — acoustic blues

Welcome Back:

  • Canales — vine ripened grapes!
  • Trevani — truffles with local flavors

Rama Farms experienced high winds and rains on the farm this last weekend. Their coveted peaches can be found at U-District and West Seattle Farmers Markets for the next few weeks.

Catherine BurkeCatherine Burke


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Columbia City Gallery presents 40 visual artists

Columbia City Gallery is pleased to present (un)wrapped, its 5th Annual Juried Exhibit in the Guest Gallery featuring the work of 40 artists from all across North America.

When (un)wrapped Juried Exhibit:
September 22 - November 14, 2010
Artists' Gala & Awards Ceremony:
September 25, 5 - 8pm.
Where Columbia City Gallery, 4864 Rainier Ave S

moc.yrellagyticaibmuloc|anitsirhc#uwT anitsirhC


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fall art classes

City Art Farm offers year-round afterschool classes, homeschool and adult classes.

City Art Farm believes in project based learning, incorporating the garden and environment, to give a wider vision to create art. Kids and adults will experience learning from the ground up, using many materials grown on site or recycled goods.

At City Art Farm, art becomes a way of living rather than a separate interest. Through the environment, students will learn traditional art concepts of design, drawing,painting and sculpture, as well as harvesting, animal care and sustainable gardening.



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Fall Kids Pottery Classes

Mold, shape, glaze, scratch and attach! The children will have fun and creatively work with clay in a variety of applications. They will employ several hand-building techniques including pinching pots, making coils, rolling slabs, using found objects in nature and more! Location: "The Basement Studio" in Columbia City. 34th Ave S — complete address emailed to all enrolled students.

moc.uoy2oiduts|haras#niknaR haraS


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Get your songs ready ... open mic coming

This weekend Columbia City Theater will play host to some of the finest bands in the Pacific Northwest, but come Monday you can showcase your talents at the Theater's first Open Mic Night.

Friday September 10: Sound on the Sound Presents a Bill From the Ashes featuring new projects from The Whore Moans, Iceage Cobra, Vindaloo, Black Eyes and Neckties and the Russians.



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Lakewood Seward Park Community Club

It's the dog days of summer and we hope everyone is doing well and keeping dry. We wanted to give you a quick update on our activities.

Sept 14, 2010Community Meeting at the Clubhouse at 7pm. Seattle Public Utilities will let us know about Genesee Basin project that may affect our community.

Oct 2, 2010Oktoberfest. Mark your calendar for fun, beer, brats and did I mention fun?

Sheila HSheila H, moc.liamg|reganamccpsl#moc.liamg|reganamccpsl


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Upcoming RW & FSP Rummage Sale

Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party are planning a gigantic rummage sale!

Saturday and Sunday ~ September 18 & 19

New Freeway Hall ~ 5018 Rainier Ave S

You can help! Donate your re-usable items. Volunteer to sort, price, and sell.

moc.liamg|gcmneeroD#htarGcM neeroD


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Latest images

Columbia Citizens photo pool
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